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“Please allow me to introduce myself..”

Hi there!

Ever since I was a little kid my passion for drawing and painting showed; mainly on the walls of the house where our family lived..but hey!

Growing up in the Netherlands, and with a dad, a master carpenter and also passionate about art, you get dragged to museums and art galleries – a lot. And in Holland – they have some good stuff to get inspired by: Van Gogh, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Bosch, Willink and Mondriaan ..Marvelous artists .

Having traveled all over the world; inspiration comes from many places, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, but not in the least where I laid down my hat for the last 17 years – Southern California. As you will see my work reflects those places and people, often mixed with my love for cities, movies, pop culture, music and especially classic rock.

I wouldn’t put myself in a box as a painter as such, since I use many forms and techniques when creating my work. Oil, Ink, Aquarelle, Charcoal. Brushes, Pencils, Pens, Palette Knives, Airbrush and yes, also modern tech like digital painting with a drawing tablet and drawing monitor. Often those techniques get mixed to get the desired result, and when it is a commissioned piece, many times it’s the customer who decides what style, color scheme and technique to use.

I do commissioned work, following the customer’s wish, but I also publish my non-client art, which is for sale here. Have a look below to get an idea what I do, different styles, different techniques, different strokes.